- The Failed Pending Enrollment form will be produced for the 3 following scenarios
- Clients who have not registered for online banking before
- The client is already enrolled in Online Banking
- Attempts to enroll for online banking without having an active account.
- A HubSpot Ticket must be created for all failed/pending enrollments
- Failed Pending Enrollment form has the following three (3) actions for the CX representative:
- Release – is available only if the Online Banking user has provided a username
- Once this button is clicked, the username is released to be used again
- Unlock – is available to unlock the Tax ID (SSN/TIN) of the user by resetting the maximum validation retries for the user to zero
- Enroll – CX must NOT “Enroll” the client in Online Banking
- The clients must enroll themselves
- If the Failed Pending Enrollment form shows as Enroll, that means the client was successfully enrolled in the online banking
- CX must NOT provide the client with any personal information for security measures
- If the client does not know their account details, CX can provide the client with the Account Lookup Link: https://open.quonticbank.com/login
- If the client continues to have trouble enrolling in online banking, follow the Enrollment Counterset Procedure <<Link for Enrollment Counterset Article>>
- The client may be locked out, and the failed attempts may need to be reset
- If the client already has an Online Banking Username Profile – CX must send the client a written communication of an attempt to enroll in Online Banking when an Online Banking profile already exists for the client