The CX team members are responsible for the following:
- Report all close-out requests accurately using HubSpot Tickets
- Report all the instructions provided to the customer accurately using HubSpot Tickets
- Ensure the correct close-out balance is provided to the customer to open the new account
- Forward the HubSpot ticket to DBO – Close-out Pipeline for completion
- Prevent a complaint from the client for not completing their request or responding to their request
CX Rules
- Voluntary Account Closure
- All Voluntary account closures require the customer to provide a written request
- Account closure and the opening of the new account MUST be done on the same business day
- Inbound/Outbound Account Closure Call
- CX MUST send the customer a secure message with the following information
- New CD Account Opening Procedure
- Penalty Fee
- Transfer Amount
- Net payout changes DAILY due to daily accrual interest earned
- Disclose Partial Withdrawal and Transfer Balance Amount
- See SOP – CX All Account Closure for close-out options
- CX MUST send the customer a secure message with the following information
- Secure OLB message request CX MUST call the customer
- If the customer does not answer, leave a voicemail. Please reply to the customer and inform them to call us.
- New Account Opening Procedure CX must provide to the customer:
- Instructions on how to open a new CD through the Quontic website
- Manually enter their current account information for the funding source
- Account Number
- Routing Number – 021473030
- Select SAVINGS for the account type
- Manually enter their current account information for the funding source
- The customer must alert us when the new account is opened so that DBO can process the account closure and manual transfer
- The customer MUST open the account the same business day during business hours
- Instructions on how to open a new CD through the Quontic website
- DBO will place the CD account closure in CLOSE-OUT PENDING status and follow the close-out procedure