Account Closure: Less than 90 days, less than $300 Template

September 27, 2022
September 27, 2022

Dear [Clients Name]

Thank you for contacting us. I understand you’ll like to close your account. May I ask why?

However, if you wish to continue with your request, choose one of the closeout options below and provide the information:

1. Quontic Bank can send the funds electronically to the originating funding account;

            a. Confirm the last four digits of the funding account

2. Quontic Bank can send the funds electronically to different bank institutions; we will need the following information:

            A. Color copy of your ID. 

            b. Copy of a bank statement (must have your name and account number)

            c. Bank routing number

            d. Account type

Please advise on what you would like to do.

Once we receive your response, we will proceed with your closeout.


Representative Name